Sunday, May 23, 2010

May Showers & Raindrops....

You know how the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers.  Well right now in NW Washington we are getting plenty of MAY SHOWERS.  So one Sunday morning I took my camera out in the rain with the goal of shooting raindrops.  These are my favorite!

This is my absolute favorite photo

This is my second favorite photo


Looking out the window to the rain

Now for some photoshop fun!!!

This is the lilac bush in the front of the yard....I loved how the hose pole & hose added a different contrast & coloring to photo

So I guess May showers can bring about an awfully fun photoshoot.

Speaking of photo shoots, I am one of the 5 featured photographers on Becky Higgins blog yesterday, giving away a photo shoot to a deserving family.  Sam and I sat down and read some of the replies last night....this is going to be a hard decision.  There are so many deserving families....


  1. wow. you really are great! How did you get started with this? Did you take a class or read a book or something? I'd love to get a little better...any suggestions? I am soo impressed!!

  2. I saw your post on Becky Higgins blog, and I wanted to check out your sight. How much do you charge for family photos? It would be about 8 people (my parents, my in laws and brother in law and then my husband and I with our son the one and only granchild right now!) We don't have any good family photos and most of the pictures of my son are taken with our cell phone cameras! We live in Marysville. Let me know!

    Thanks so much!
