Sunday, July 4, 2010

Bri's visit to Deceptions Pass

I couldn't be a more proud older little sister summited Mount Rainier two weeks ago.  What an animal!  I am so proud of her.  She made my day by coming up to visit and spend a day with me.  So, I took her to my favorite place in the NW....Deceptions Pass.  The sun cleared as we climbed on the boat for the Deceptions Pass Boat tour (a favorite of mine).

We drove out to West beach to look for whales & porpoises (no sightings, but it was still GORGEOUS!!!).

Then we headed out to Whidbey Island to find some food.  And we found the cutest little Thai house with pretty decent food.
Last stop....a old barracks (did I even spell that right?)...
It was an absolutely fabulous day...sunny, on the water, beautiful, stress free, and just a great time with my little sis (who was a wee bit sore!!).  Brit, I am so proud of you for tackling are awesome!  I absolutely love and adore you and your visit was totally what I needed!  Thanks.


  1. Looks like fun! I can't wait to see some more pics of the car when you are finished painting. you left me hanging! Good to see pics of you guys! Love ya

  2. Nothing can beat a sister for company....the next closest is a cousin:)
